SHINREI INFO [ Closed species]

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ZenithOmocha's avatar


  • Shinrei [心霊] itself means spirit, but the Shin here is Shin [信] [Trust] + Rei [霊] [Spirit] = Shinrei [Spirit of Trust]

  • A Shinrei is a creature formed by a humanoid vessel that has a sealed spirit inside their body. This spirit's appearance would affect the vessel's appearance, making them having features of the spirit’s.

  • Shinreis are always seen with a lot of paper charms on their body/outfits. These paper charms are both used to seal the spirit inside their body, and as their weapons to use their paper charm magic.

  • They have spirit 'flames' around them. Normally these flames would have the same color as their eyes'. In some rare cases, these flames can have rare shaped sparks, like flower shape, snowflake shape, etc.

Master-Servant relationship

  • Shinreis are often found wandering around looking for their destined master.

  • One master can have many Shinreis as their servants, but each Shinrei can only serve one master at a time, and most likely, for their entire life. Therefore, Shinreis are extremely careful about who they can, and should entrust themselves to.

  • However, although this is rare, not all Shinreis find it a must to have a master to serve. Some just prefer to be free and even reject being ‘employed'.


One can only employ a Shinrei with their agreement/permission.

To form a contract with a Shinrei, one will need to:
  • Give them a name.
  • Seal them into an object and write, or better, carve their name on the object

This name will also appear on the Shinrei's body as a tattoo.

A Shinrei can be summoned at any time from the object, no matter where they are.

If the object is broken, their bond will be broken too, so it has to be fixed as soon as possible. In case the object can’t be fixed, a Shnrei can also be transferred to another object with the same method as employing. A same name has to be used.

A master, however, tend to prefer fixing a damaged object than transferring the spirit to a new one. Because the longer the object’s age is since their contract, the deeper bond they have. This will help them summoning the Shinrei much faster and also enhance their power.


A Shinrei before being employed is a free spirit and can act on their own decision, but after being employed by a master, they’d swear their loyalty to the master and use their abilities as their master commands.

The only case they can act on their own will is to protect their master.

If a Shinrei rejects their master's command, they will suffer definite pain - mentally and physically.

The pain is only lifted when their master forgives them.

Their spirit will fade away, as well as their ability, if they suffer too much pain.

Worst scenario is that the spirit will disappear, leaving only the body- as an empty vessel behind.

The vessel can still walk around, talk and eat, but they have no memory and new memories also can’t be written. They are more or less, just empty doll vessels.

A disappeared Shinrei’s spirit most likely won’t return on their own. However, if the master wholeheartedly wishes for them to return, they can keep praying and ask for help from spiritual ceremonies. One day their wish might touch the spirit’s heart and brings them back to the vessel.


The vessel’s form is the default form of a Shinrei. They are always in this form unless the master wishes otherwise.
In this form, they can do anything a normal human can do. They can get hungry or tired and recharge by eating and sleeping/resting.
However they can also appear in some other forms to save or release their energy.

Saving energy modes

Simple minimized modes to save energy.
A Shinrei can only achieve these forms if they have a master.
They mostly don’t need to sleep and eat in these modes. However of course they cannot cast their magic as well. Only very simple magic spells can be done.


They are very small in these forms (palm size or less), so the masters often use these forms if they want to hide their Shinrei's presence.

Full energy releasing mode

The spirit’s true form, with their true power. They are often much bigger than their default form.
Not all Shinreis can shift to this form. Normally, only the stronger ones can.
However, even if they can, they should only use this form under dead-or-alive situations, because it takes up a lot of energy. Overusing can also burn out the vessel and their spirit won’t be able to return to the vessel anymore.


Appearance rarity level = Spirit's rarity level = Ability's power level

  • Normal: Human spirits - Common animals
  • Uncommon: Animal hybrids - Legendary human spirits
  • Rare: Common demons/beasts/youkais/onis - Common angels
  • Super Rare: Shinrei (from normal to rare) + Another closed species - Shinreis with parts of their body becoming paper charms.
  • Legendary: High ranked demons/beasts/youkais/onis (Demonlords)- High ranked holy creatures (high ranked angels, dragons, phoenix, etc.)

Ability list

Shinreis use paper charms to cast magic. One Shinrei is normally specialized in only one type of magic. However, the higher rarity a Shinrei has, the more types of magic they can master; or their power is stronger if they choose to focus on only one type.

Here is a list of possible magic (more common magics to rarer ones):

  • Elemental magic
  • Purify magic / cleaning magic - yeah- technically cleaning - like for maids- lol |D
  • Cursing magic
  • Protect/shield/healing magic
  • Power enhancing magic (support)
  • Summoning magic - minions/creatures/items/weapons
  • Transport/teleport/movement controlling magic
  • Illusion magic
  • Shapeshifting magic
  • Material converting magic
  • Time magic << Extremely rare>>

Custom Shinrei form

If you're interested in having a custom Shinrei, please take a look >>>here and fill in the form given to give me the information. C:

Existed Shinreis

Please feel free to drop questions if you have any~<3

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LudedWolf's avatar
Sir you have a very interesting Closed Species. I would love to order a commission from you. I would order one tommorow if it wasn't for the fact that My money wasn't tied up the moment. Would next friday do? Oh by the way,how did this idea come to you?